Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Car Wash Playtime

Today my little guys were super cranky and tired of being in the house because of the super hot weather. I decided I would get the water table out and let them have some fun....only problem is that the water table was all nasty from rain water. Even after cleaning it I didn't want them to use it.

We decided to go to Walmart and I got a plastic tub for $4 and some change. Then we came home and rounded up some cars, the soap, and filled the tub up! The boys had a blast with their "car wash"...until it started raining on us! Lol

Anyways, it was a cheap and easy way to keep the kids entertained! Especially if you don't have $40+ to spend on a water table ;) I plan to use the tub for more activities for them in the future too!